Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracBrowser

Jan 4, 2006, 5:52:41 PM (19 years ago)


  • TracBrowser

    v1 v2  
    77Directory entries are displayed in a list with sortable columns. The list
    8 entries can be sorted by '''name''', '''size''' or '''date''' by clicking on the column headers.
    9 The sort order can be reversed by clicking on a given column header again.
     8entries can be sorted by ''name'', ''size'' or ''age'' by clicking on the column
     9headers. The sort order can be reversed by clicking on a given column
     10header again.
    1112The browser can be used to navigate through the directory structure
    12 by clicking on the directory names. Clicking on filenames on the other
    13 hand will display the files change log.
     13by clicking on the directory names. Clicking on a file name will show
     14the contents of the file. Clicking on the revision number of a file or
     15directory will take you to the revision history for that file.
    15 It's also possible to browse directories as they were in history, at any given repository revision.
    17 The default behavior is to display the latest revision but
    18 another revision number can easily be selected using the form at the top of the
    19 page.
    21 '''Note:''' The browser does not use the Subversion access configuration so if you restrict read access to part of the repository in Subversion that same restriction will not be in place in the Trac browser. (Support for this functionality '''is''' being worked on for future Trac versions)
     17It's also possible to browse directories or files as they were in history,
     18at any given repository revision. The default behavior is to display the
     19latest revision but another revision number can easily be selected using
     20the ''View revision'' input field at the top of the page.
    2322== RSS Support ==
    25 The browser module supports RSS syndication to monitor changes to a file. To subscribe to an RSS feed of the revision log for a file, open its revision log in the browser and click the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom of the page. For more information on RSS support in Trac, see TracRss.
     24The browser module provided RSS feeds to monitor changes to a file or
     25directory. To subscribe to an RSS feed for a file or directory, open its
     26revision log in the browser and click the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom
     27of the page. For more information on RSS support in Trac, see TracRss.
    28 See also: TracGuide, TracChangeset
     30See also: TracGuide, TracChangeset, FineGrainedPermissions