
Version 1 (modified by seskar, 12 years ago) ( diff )


user@console:omf help tell
Switch ON/OFF and reboot the nodes in a testbed
      omf-5.4 tell -a ACTION [-h] [-t TOPOLOGY] [-c AGGREGATE]
      -h, --help           print this help message
      -a, --action ACTION  specify an action
      on              turn node(s) ON
      offs            turn node(s) OFF (soft)
      offh            turn node(s) OFF (hard)
      reboot          reboots node(s) (soft)
      reset           resets node(s) (hard)
      -c, --config AGGREGATE    use testbed AGGREGATE
      -t, --topology TOPOLOGY   a valid topology file or description (defaults to 'system:topo:all')
      Some Examples: 
                    omf-5.4 tell -a reset
                    omf-5.4 tell -a on -t system:topo:all -c grid
                    omf-5.4 tell -a reboot -t omf.nicta.node1
                    omf-5.4 tell -a offs -t omf.nicta.node1,omf.nicta.node2 -c sb1
                    omf-5.4 tell -a offh -t system:topo:all
                    omf-5.4 tell -a reset -t topo_grid_active
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