= Enabling Spectrum Coexistence of 5G mmWave and Passive Weather Sensing = **WINLAB Summer Internship 2024** **Advisors:** Narayan Mandayam, Ivan Seskar **Graduates:** Hariharan Venkat **Group Members:** Despoina Kosmopoulou, John Allen Manego, Mark Moroney == Project Objective == The 5G data frequency is close to the weather band, which can result in spectral leakage affecting weather satellites and affecting weather prediction patterns. Our task is to develop an experimental pipeline to measure spectral leakage on weather satellites. We will use Phased Array Antenna Modules (PAAMs) to mimic the 5G satellite and a spectrum analyzer to mimic the weather satellite. == Week 1 == **[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MFWeO6uIcfzo_Y8HGrUXmDwXF2JZ-CdCc0z5wKPLVec/edit?usp=sharing, Week 1 Presentation]** **Summary** * Read Papers on PAAMs, 5G data leakage onto satellites * Getting Familiar with devices such as PAAMs and Spectrum Analyzer == Week 2 == **[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1igbOZsoWknAUVzbHqOglDP0G4sMBrAYM/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117226306871510691778&rtpof=true&sd=true, Week 2 Presentation]** **Summary** * Followed GNURadio OFDM Tutorial on Orbit Sandbox 1 and Sandbox 2 == Week 3 == **[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UIEcRe1oQ7yj1cgtXg0betdXtv1dRVnY79gP6x3CWqU/edit?usp=sharing, Week 3 Presentation]** **Summary** * Used the sb1 PAAMs to transmit orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)signal to transmit our signal * Getting familiar with GNURadio and Sandbox 1(Cosmos) == Week 4 == **[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NrCaT3jO8IK60_EahodhdsaCnH_IYhiuN9KkcebUoWY/edit?usp=sharing, Week 4 Presentation]** **Summary** * Measured the Oscillator error and the noise floor for practice * Followed the Spectrum visualization with Fosphor tutorial * Able to see the wifi in Winlab (big purple area) * Create a waterfall diagram with the OFDM signal tutorial