Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of Other/Summer/2024/rPV

Jul 11, 2024, 3:39:17 PM (5 days ago)


  • Other/Summer/2024/rPV

    v21 v22  
    23231. Establish the client-server connection with our laptop and the Servo Steer car.
    2424   * Begin developing client-side controls
    25    * Begin sending camera frames to the client side
    27262. Set up and develop mecanum software (eventually focus on maneuverability and efficiency)
    3332* Fully assembled hardware and electronics for the mecanum robot. We got the mecanum car to drive in all directions including strafing and moving diagonally.
    3433* Established the client-server connection with our laptop and the Servo Steer car.
    35   - Created server (running on raspberry pi) using python to listen for UDP packets and interacts with GPIO to run car
     34  - Created server (running on Raspberry Pi) using Python to listen for UDP packets and interact with GPIO to control motors.
    3635  - Improved efficiency of
    37   - Created client (Using electron and react.js) to make user interface, sending packets with UDP to server
     36  - Created a client (Using electron and react.js) to make the user interface that sends packets with UDP to the server
    3837* Utilized ZeroTier to set up a VPN that creates a VLAN
    39 * Learned bash scripting and linux to run server code and expedite development
    40 * Updated gitlab repository, used package managers (pip, npm), build tools (vite) and formaters (eslint)
     38* Learned bash scripting and Linux to run server code and expedite development
     39* Updated GitLab repository, used package managers (pip, npm), build tools (vite) and formaters (eslint)
    4342  - Server efficiency (eliminated inefficient code - like "while True" - that blocks main thread and hogs CPU)
     43  -
    4444  - Figuring out optimal architecture to minimize latency
    4747Goals for next week:
    48481. Further develop the client/server software.
    49    * Begin developing client-side controls for turning and implementing virtual joysticks
     49   * Begin developing client-side controls for steering and implementing virtual joysticks
    5050   * Begin sending camera frames to the client side
    54543. Experiment and test low latency networks and ZeroTier to reduce lags
    56 4. Start AI processing to improve robot functionality (image detection, AI sensor integration)
     564. Add features that improve robot functionality and aid the user(object detection, sensor integration, emergency stop)
    5858=== Week 3