= Plant Doctor: Harnessing Backscatter Radio Sensors for Agriculture = **WINLAB Summer Internship 2024**\\ **Group Members:** Sam-Fone Cheung & Shriya Das\\ **Advisor:** Aggelos Bletsas == Project Objective == Weekly Progress ===== Week 1 ===== [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/176HsRDAxeJxmf1tP5aNRFMfCJ6p95QO6EIxRgzuDiPA/edit?usp=share_link Week 1 Presentation]\\ //Progress: //Read prior art about backscatter radio, RFID tags, and capacitance sensors. ===== Week 2 ===== [Week 2 Presentation]\\ //Progress: //Used RTL-SDR's to explore software-defined radios (SDR) and tune into local FM stations. Also familiarized ourselves with [https://www.gnuradio.org GNURadio].