Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Other/Summer/2024/pD

Jul 12, 2024, 10:58:12 PM (3 days ago)


  • Other/Summer/2024/pD

    v30 v31  
    1818[ Weekly Presentation]\\
    20 //Receiver: //Read prior art about [ backscatter radio [1]], RFID tags, and [ capacitance sensors [2]].
     20//Receiver: //Read prior art about [ backscatter radio (1)], RFID tags, and [ capacitance sensors (2)].
    2222//Transmitter: //Started learning how to use the TI Launchpad microcontroller, read the documentation, and spoke to Dr. Rich Howard.||
    4141[ Weekly Presentation]\\
    43 //Receiver: //Explored the accuracy of the receiver while changing the power transmission, frequency, and distance between the SDR and signal generator. Introduced about matched filters and how to [ implement them into the receiver]. Despite a frequency measurement error, we implemented logging into GNURadio using a file sink. 
     43//Receiver: //Explored the accuracy of the receiver while changing the power transmission, frequency, and distance between the SDR and signal generator. Introduced about matched filters and how to [ implement them into the receiver (3)]. Despite a frequency measurement error, we implemented logging into GNURadio using a file sink. 
    4545//Transmitter: //Using the TI Launchpad Microcontroller we were able to implement FSK. also created a block diagram to illustrate how both the transmitter and receiver should work together to send information about a plant's temperature.\\
    5959[ Weekly Presentation]\\
    61 //Progress: //We moved the bench to on top of an antistatic mat. We also implemented twisted pair cables and an external DC power supply. All of these changes were made to get cleaner signals and avoid accidental antennas. We also made major progress on our work, being able to measure voltage across a Wheatstone bridge (see below) and encode it as a backscattered signal between 100kHz and 200kHz.
     61//Progress: //We moved the bench to on top of an antistatic mat. We also implemented twisted pair cables and an external DC power supply. All of these changes were made to get cleaner signals and avoid accidental antennas. We also made major progress on our work, being able to measure voltage across a Wheatstone bridge (see below) and encode it as a backscattered signal between 100kHz and 200kHz. We were also able to unite the transceiver-receiver system.
    6263[[Image(wheatstone.png, 300px, align=center)]]
    64 We were also able to unite the transceiver-receiver system.
    6867[ Weekly Presentation]\\
    70 //Progress: //
     69//Progress: // We fixed a small broken plexiglass chamber that we will use to store plants. Instead of breaking the entire panel, we chose to glue another sheet of plexiglass on top of it to prevent further cracking.
    72 We fixed a small broken plexiglass chamber that we will use to store plants. Instead of breaking the entire panel, we chose to glue another sheet of plexiglass on top of it to prevent further cracking.
    74 === References ===
     71== References ==
    7572(1) A. Bletsas, P. N. Alevizos and G. Vougioukas, "The Art of Signal Processing in Backscatter Radio for μW (or Less) Internet of Things: Intelligent Signal Processing and Backscatter Radio Enabling Batteryless Connectivity," in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 28-40, Sept. 2018, doi: 10.1109/MSP.2018.2837678.
    77 (2) A. Bletsas, P. N. Alevizos and G. Vougioukas, "The Art of Signal Processing in Backscatter Radio for μW (or Less) Internet of Things: Intelligent Signal Processing and Backscatter Radio Enabling Batteryless Connectivity," in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 28-40, Sept. 2018, doi: 10.1109/MSP.2018.2837678.
    78 keywords: {Backscatter;Frequency shift keying;Loaded antennas;Reflector antennas;Baseband},
     74(2) S. -N. Daskalakis, S. D. Assimonis, E. Kampianakis and A. Bletsas, "Soil Moisture Scatter Radio Networking With Low Power," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2338-2346, July 2016, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2572677.
     75keywords: {Wireless sensor networks;Loaded antennas;Frequency modulation;Radio frequency;Wireless communication;Monitoring;Scatter radio;sensor networks;soil moisture (SM)},
    8077(3) J. Kimionis, A. Bletsas and J. N. Sahalos, "Increased Range Bistatic Scatter Radio," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1091-1104, March 2014, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2014.020314.130559.