**HS Team Members**: Jose Rubio, Sathvik Samant, Jonathan Duran, Vedant Talati https://www.orbit-lab.org/wiki/Other/Summer/2024/lLM?action=edit# **Project Goal**: To create a functional smart-space for Internet-of-Things(IoT) and Machine Learning (ML) research. "Maestros," which are RaspberryPi 3B+s with various sensors, will collect a variety of multi-modal data formats (ex. temperature, humidity, RGB, motion, video, audio, etc). This data, then, will be stored on the a WINLAB server, and can be remotely connected to and experimented with using SSH. After collecting this data, these "Maestros" will enable LLM creation and model development to create a multi-modal, machine learning-powered smart space for cities and a variety of environments. Week 1 **Slideshow Link**: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tB2aXgDJbP6hyVbTjhTdmyO4sL-t9mIQVLcBbdQiM44/edit?usp=sharing **What we did this week:** 1. **Github** Familiarized ourselves with Cy-Phy Lab Github, understanding system architecture, existing code, and creating our credentials. We then practiced pushing and pulling commits to Github using the following command line prompts: {{{#!div style="font-size: 80%" Code highlighting: {{{git clone https://github.com/URL-TO-REPO-HERE #to clone repository onto local git status git add #takes the changes from working directory to staging area git commit #takes changes from staging area and pushes to repository git commit -m "ADD_COMMIT_MESSAGE_HERE" #to ensure readable Github git push origin main #this pushes changes to the main repository from your local }}} Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5