== **Digital Twin for Network Energy Savings**\\ **Team**: Abhiram Vemuri [UG] **Advisors**: Ivan Seskar and N.K. Shankaranarayanan **Mentors**: Alex Stancu ---- **Project Description & Goals**:\\ **Technologies**: Python, VSCode ---- **Week 1**:\\ Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WIRQtfjoZHq4HzNOeWJzZoz9F8wer1zDu4R1TNLTMiQ/edit?usp=sharing] Progress: - Read references regarding O-Ran Architecture and O-Ran Network Energy Consumption - Started organizing the programs into different modules - Structured out how to network topologies in will inputted as JSON files ---- **Week 2**:\\ Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hjElubWUNpHFQIud3hesJlam61XsQPtXzPOlR4M6NcM/edit?usp=sharing] Progress: - Wrote the Parser code in Python program that can parse through a JSON file input - Researched mathematical models - Read some more relevant publications about networks - Created the project wiki page ---- **Week 3**:\\ Slides: [] Progress: - - -