
Version 10 (modified by DilanGandhi, 13 days ago) ( diff )

Breadboard Computer Project

  WINLAB Summer Internship 2024

  Advisors: Dr. Richard Howard, Dr. Richard Martin

  Group Members: Dilan Gandhi, Rithvik Madiraju

Project Objective

The goal of our project is to build a 8-bit computer from scratch on a breadboard using different electrical components like Integrated Circuits, LEDs, Wires, etc. Our aim is to document the step-by-step process, including schematics, notes, and procedures, so that others can replicate the creation of their own Breadboard Computer.

Week 1

Week 1 Presentation


  • Read and familiarize ourselves with the components of the breadboard computer.
  • Learned about the components of computers
    • Fetch-Execute cycle
    • CPU
    • Random Access Memory (RAM)
    • ALU
    • BUS

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

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