Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

Jul 31, 2023, 4:59:10 PM (12 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

    v36 v37  
    8787<a href="">
    88 <img width="550" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/website_test.png" alt="simple website">
     88<img width="500" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/website_test.png" alt="simple website">
    101101One task that was done was meeting with a previous graduate student to understand the scripts written and how each Pi was connected to the professor's server. It was revealed that the previous group used '''Balena Ether''', a specific software used to "clone" the data of the "working pi" (python scripts, packages, and ROS) onto blank SD cards for the other Pi's. After attaining this knowledge, the group worked on cloning the SD cards for the remaining 25 Pi's. Each Pi was then checked to see if they could run the scripts and given a unique name, which would be important to the data collecting process.
    103 [[Image(database.png, 550)]]
     106<a href="">
     107<img width="550" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/database.png" alt="simple website">
    105113Another task that was worked on was the website. There was significant progress made on the website including the overall website design and a calendar displaying the availability of the robot. In addition, a text box allowing the user to insert their code to control the robot remotely was also made. All there is left for the website is to add functionality.
    107 [[Image(Screenshot 2023-07-05 124811.png, 500)]]
     118<a href=" 2023-07-05 124811.png">
     119<img width="500" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/Screenshot 2023-07-05 124811.png" alt="simple website">
    109124Lastly, the group explored the possibility of including Unity in the project. One of the graduate students presented the idea of using the sensor data to create a  "digital twin" of the environment; therefore, some group members did further research. The group was able to created a 3D avatar in Unity which mimics live webcam feed.
    111 [[Image(Screenshot 2023-07-05 124600.png, 475)]]
     128<a href=" 2023-07-05 124600.png">
     129<img width="450" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/Screenshot 2023-07-05 124600.png" alt="simple website">
    113134**WEEK FOUR**
    122143Another task done was measuring the dimensions of WINLAB. A majority of the group spent the time measuring each room in order to create the coordinate system for the MAESTROs.
    124 [[Image(winlab (1).png, 475)]]
     148<a href=" (1).png">
     149<img width="475" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/winlab (1).png" alt="simple website">
    126154Lastly, the group continued to explore the integration of Unity by creating a VR environment for possible future use.
    140168In addition, the group continued to look into utilizing Unity by creating an environment where Unity and ROS could connect. The first step was setting up a remote desktop on the orbit node at WINLAB. The end goal is to hopefully create a demo which integrates SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping). SLAM describes a robot attaining a certain degree of environmental awareness through the use of external sensors - and is one of the most studied areas in autonomous mobile robotics.
    142 [[Image(remote_desktop.png, 350px)]]
     172<a href="">
     173<img width="475" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/remote_desktop.png" alt="simple website">
    144178**WEEK SEVEN**
    146180**[ Week 7 Presentation]**
    148 Starting Week Seven, the group attempted to connect a Raspberry Pi to PTP. It was found that the Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ did not have IEEE1588, the protocol which enables PTP, and also had no hardware timestamping feature. This meant PTP had to be achieved through software emulation, by aiming the Raspberry Pi to a boundary server. To start, the group walked through the following Github:
    150 After following all the steps on a Pi containing the data collecting scripts, the PTP software was not successful.
     183Starting Week Seven, the group attempted to connect a Raspberry Pi to PTP. It was found that the Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ did not have IEEE1588, the protocol which enables PTP, and had no hardware timestamping feature. This meant PTP had to be achieved through software emulation, by aiming the Raspberry Pi at a boundary server. To start, the group walked through the following Github:
     185After following all the steps on a Pi containing the data collecting scripts, the PTP software was not successful, even with the mentioned patches being reviewed. This was a problem that would be furthered reviewed.
    152187In addition to PTP, the group started to work on using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module, which WINLAB provided. The group was able to successfully capture videos and view them using VLC, a free and open-source media player.
    154 [[Image(raspberry-pi-camera-pinout-camera-2.png, 250px)]]
     191<a href="">
     192<img width="250" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/raspberry-pi-camera-pinout-camera-2.png" alt="simple website">
    156197Lastly, the group created the coordinate system for the six Raspberry Pis being placed in the test room. The placement of the Pis depended on the predetermined activities that the group wanted to conduct, such as turning on/off the light and walking in/out of the room. The location of the outlets in the room was also acknowledged.
    158 [[Image(Preliminary Floorplan - IoT Testbed.png, 550)]]
     201<a href=" Floorplan - IoT Testbed.png">
     202<img width="400" title="simple website" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed/Preliminary Floorplan - IoT Testbed.png" alt="simple website">
    160208**WEEK EIGHT**