Changes between Version 35 and Version 36 of Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

Jul 31, 2023, 3:59:55 PM (12 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

    v35 v36  
    7373**[ Week 1 Presentation]**
    75 The main priority for week one was getting familiar with the focused topics of the project. Since all the group members had little to no knowledge of these topics, a variety of relevant research papers were passed. These papers included topics such as the encoder-decoder architecture the large language model would be built upon and the research paper the previous group wrote regarding ''!SenseScape''.
     75The main priority for Week One was getting familiar with the focused topics of the project. Since all the group members had little to no knowledge of these topics, a variety of relevant research papers were passed. These papers included topics such as the encoder-decoder architecture the large language model would be built upon and the research paper the previous group wrote regarding ''!SenseScape''.
    7777In addition to reading, the group was introduced to the robot, which had the potential to be used a mobile sensor in the indoor testing environment. For a few days that week, the group met at the Computing Research & Education Building (CoRE), located on Rutgers- Busch Campus, in order to see and interact with the robot. To learn more about the way the robot worked, the group was able to set up ROS (Robotic Operating System) on Ubuntu distro and even ran elementary python scripts on robot following a talker/listener architecture.
    8181**[ Week 2 Presentation]**
    83 For week two, the group worked on starting the website designing process by first brushing up on HTML (!HyperText Markup Language), a markup language a few of the members had previous experience with. To do so, this included watching tutorials, practicing on Code Academy, and even creating a simple website.
     83For Week Two, the group worked on starting the website designing process by first brushing up on HTML (!HyperText Markup Language), a markup language a few of the members had previous experience with. To do so, this included watching tutorials, practicing on Code Academy, and even creating a simple website.
    118 For week four, the group again spent the time splitting up tasks.
     118For Week Four, the group again spent the time splitting up tasks.
    120120The first task done was adding functionality to the website; this included adding the backend/appointment system. By doing so, the user is able to submit their code using the website. The website then sends an email to the professor, including their name, appointment time, and the code they wish to conduct. It is up to professor to allow them permission.
    130130**[ Week 5 Presentation]**
    132 Week five started off with a meeting with the professor about what the group needed the Raspberry Pis to do. To work towards his objectives, the group automated the process of connecting the Pis to wifi as well checking the connection by pinging Google. This was done by writing python scripts and adding them to the rc.local file located on the Pi, which runs the scripts every time the Pi reboots. In addition, the group studied creating a tunnel between the Raspberry Pi and the professor's server since they are on two different ip addresses; however, it was found that the Pis already contained a script which created that tunnel. Lastly, the foundation of the interactive grid was added to the website. This grid would display real time information about the MAESTROs, including their name, online status, the last time data was collected, and the continuous streaming data coming in.
     132Week Five started off with a meeting with the professor about what the group needed the Raspberry Pis to do. To work towards his objectives, the group automated the process of connecting the Pis to wifi as well checking the connection by pinging Google. This was done by writing python scripts and adding them to the rc.local file located on the Pi, which runs the scripts every time the Pi reboots. In addition, the group studied creating a tunnel between the Raspberry Pi and the professor's server since they are on two different ip addresses; however, it was found that the Pis already contained a script which created that tunnel. Lastly, the foundation of the interactive grid was added to the website. This grid would display real time information about the MAESTROs, including their name, online status, the last time data was collected, and the continuous streaming data coming in.
    134134**WEEK SIX**
    140140In addition, the group continued to look into utilizing Unity by creating an environment where Unity and ROS could connect. The first step was setting up a remote desktop on the orbit node at WINLAB. The end goal is to hopefully create a demo which integrates SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping). SLAM describes a robot attaining a certain degree of environmental awareness through the use of external sensors - and is one of the most studied areas in autonomous mobile robotics.
     142[[Image(remote_desktop.png, 350px)]]
    142144**WEEK SEVEN**
    144146**[ Week 7 Presentation]**
    146     * Set up PTP on Pi's
     148Starting Week Seven, the group attempted to connect a Raspberry Pi to PTP. It was found that the Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ did not have IEEE1588, the protocol which enables PTP, and also had no hardware timestamping feature. This meant PTP had to be achieved through software emulation, by aiming the Raspberry Pi to a boundary server. To start, the group walked through the following Github:
    148          → Pi's do not have hardware timestamping
    149          → No IEEE 1588 , must aim Pi at boundary server
    150          → Solution: use software emulation
    151          → Build kernel that allows ptp4l to run
     150After following all the steps on a Pi containing the data collecting scripts, the PTP software was not successful.
     152In addition to PTP, the group started to work on using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module, which WINLAB provided. The group was able to successfully capture videos and view them using VLC, a free and open-source media player.
    154     * Looked into using Raspberry Pi cameras for camera data
    155          → Successfully captured videos and viewed them using VLC
    156154[[Image(raspberry-pi-camera-pinout-camera-2.png, 250px)]]
    158     * Created the coordinate system for the test room
    159          → Discussed the predetermined activities and based layout on them & outlet placement
    160                 → Turn on Light
    161                 → Walk in/out of room
     156Lastly, the group created the coordinate system for the six Raspberry Pis being placed in the test room. The placement of the Pis depended on the predetermined activities that the group wanted to conduct, such as turning on/off the light and walking in/out of the room. The location of the outlets in the room was also acknowledged.
    162158[[Image(Preliminary Floorplan - IoT Testbed.png, 550)]]