Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

Jul 24, 2023, 4:49:13 PM (12 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed

    v30 v31  
    44**WINLAB Summer Internship 2023**
    6 **Group Members:** Jeremy Hui^UG^, Katrina Celario^UG^, Matthew Grimalovsky^UG^, Julia Rodriguez^UG^, Logan Pasternak^UG^, Laura Liu^HS^, Jose Rubio^HS^, Michael Cai^HS^, Hedaya Walter^GR^, Sonya Yuan Sun^GR^
     6**Group Members:** Katrina Celario^UG^, Matthew Grimalovsky^UG^, Jeremy Hui^UG^, Julia Rodriguez^UG^, Michael Cai^HS^, Laura Liu^HS^, Jose Rubio^HS^, Sonya Yuan Sun^GR^, Hedaya Walter^GR^
    88== Project Overview ==
    8181**[ Week 2 Presentation]**
    83 For week two, the group worked on starting the website designing process by first brushing up on HTML (HyperText Markup Language),a markup language a few of the members had previous experience with. To do so, this included watching tutorials, practicing on Code Academy, and even creating a simple website.
     83For week two, the group worked on starting the website designing process by first brushing up on HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a markup language a few of the members had previous experience with. To do so, this included watching tutorials, practicing on Code Academy, and even creating a simple website.
    85 In addition, the group took the time to learn about the Raspberry Pi and how it worked. By starting out with a blank SD card, a few members installed the operating system (Raspberry Pi OS Lite - Legacy), connected the Pi to a VPN, and downloaded packages that were needed to run the data collecting python scripts that previous group wrote or packages that could possibly be used for future use.
     85[[Image(website_test.png, 450)]]
     87In addition, the group took the time to learn about the Raspberry Pi and how it worked. By starting out with a blank SD card, a few members installed the operating system (Raspberry Pi OS Lite - Legacy), connected the Pi to a VPN, and downloaded packages that were needed to run the data collecting python scripts (that previous group wrote) or packages that could possibly be used for future use. Doing so, allowed the group to start understanding the previous work done.
    8989**WEEK THREE**
    9191**[ Week 3 Presentation]**
    93     * Explored the possibility of including Unity in the project
     93For week three, the group split up and worked on a variety of aspects for the project.
     95One task that was done was meeting with a previous graduate student to understand the scripts written and how each Pi was connected to the professor's server. It was revealed that the previous group used "Balena Ether", a specific software used to "clone" the data of the "working pi" (python scripts, packages, and ROS) onto blank SD cards for the other Pi's. After attaining this knowledge, the group worked on cloning the SD cards for the remaining 25 Pi's. Each Pi was then checked to see if they could run the scripts and given a unique name, which would be important to the data collecting process.
    96          → Created 3D avatar in Unity which mimics live webcam feed
     97Another task that was worked on was the website. There was significant progress made on the website including the overall website design and a calendar displaying the availability of the robot. In addition, a text box allowing the user to insert their code to control the robot remotely was also made. All there is left for the website is to add functionality.
     99[[Image(Screenshot 2023-07-05 124811.png, 550)]]
     101Lastly, the group explored the possibility of including Unity in the project. One of the graduate students presented the idea of using the sensor data to create a  "digital twin" of the environment; therefore, some group members did further research. The group was able to created a 3D avatar in Unity which mimics live webcam feed.
    98103[[Image(Screenshot 2023-07-05 124600.png, 550)]]
    101     * Researched necessary equipment needed for experiments
    104     * Started to clone original SD card that contained all python scripts, packages, and ROS onto blank SD cards
    105          → The cloned cards were inserted into 25 Raspberry Pi
    108          → Each pi was given a unique name
    110     * Made significant progress on the website aspect
    112 [[Image(Screenshot 2023-07-05 124811.png, 550)]]
    115105**WEEK FOUR**