= 2023 Summer Research Program Open House = [[NewsFlashStart]] {{{ #!html

Presentations and Posters

}}} [#P01 Distributed Data Infrastructure][[BR]] [#P02 Evaluating 5G/NextG Wireless][[BR]] [#P03 Security in Artificial Intelligence][[BR]] [#P04 Robotic Iot SmartSpace Testbed][[BR]] [#P05 Developing and Testing Vehicular AI Agent][[BR]] [#P06 Smart Intersection Cameras][[BR]] [#P07 Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences][[BR]] [#P08 Identifying Correlations between Weather Patterns and NYCMesh Network State][[BR]] [#P09 28 GHz mmWave Measurements for Joint Communications and Sensing][[BR]] [#P10 Self-Driving Vehicular Project][[BR]] [#P11 AR Mural][[BR]] [#P12 Hive Monitoring][[BR]] [#P13 Neural Networks for Feature Analysis][[BR]] [#P14 First Person View Self Driving Car][[BR]] [#P15 Low Latency Camera Feed Development][[BR]] [[NewsFlashEnd]] The 2023 WINLAB Summer Internship Open House took place on Thursday August 10th, 2023, offering a platform for students to present the results of their dedicated efforts over the past 10 weeks.\\ A total of 79 students participated in the program, comprising 8 graduate students, 52 undergraduate students, and 19 high school students. These aspiring researchers showcased a diverse range of projects, providing insights into the program's extensive reach and impact. ||[[Image(I04.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I01.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I02.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I03.jpg, width=300)]]|| The event was not only an opportunity for the students to exhibit their hard work but also a chance for attendees to engage in meaningful discussions about the projects. The open dialogue fostered a constructive exchange of ideas and perspectives. The success of the Summer Internship Program wouldn't have been possible without the generous support of the [https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/ NSF REU] program and a donation from [https://www.nverses.com/home nVerses Capital] and [https://about.att.com/ AT&T]. Their contributions played a crucial role in empowering these young minds to explore, innovate, and develop valuable skills. [[BR]] ||||= '''Poster''' =||= '''Project Presentation''' =|| |||||||| [=#P01 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Distributed Distributed Data Infrastructure] [[BR]] Anna Kotelnikov^UG^, Keshav Subramaniyam^UG^, Jason Zhiyuan Zhang^UG^, Gyana Deepika Dasara^GR^, Samyak Agarwal^GR^ || |||| [[Image(P01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P01.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S01.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P02 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/5G6G Evaluating 5G/NextG Wireless] [[BR]] Aleksa Samardzija^UG^, Jeff Acevedo^UG^, Nikhil Sampath^UG^, Sreeram Mandava^UG^, Stanislav Ceman^UG^, Sanskar Jagdish Shah^GR^, Ryan Lin^UG^, Steve Shin^UG^, Xoua Thao^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P02.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S02.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/orcctAo1xWI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P03 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/SecurityAI Security in Artificial Intelligence] [[BR]] Damon Lin^UG^, Jacob Morin^UG^, Rut Mehta^UG^, Ethan Lung^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P03.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S03.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4SJq3y6Qtb0 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P04 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed Robotic Iot SmartSpace Testbed] [[BR]] Katrina Celario^UG^, Matthew Grimalovsky^UG^, Jeremy Hui^UG^, Julia Rodriguez^UG^, Michael Cai^HS^, Laura Liu^HS^, Jose Rubio^HS^, Sonya Yuan Sun^GR^, Hedaya Walter^GR^, Matthew Grimalovsky and Julia Rodriguez || |||| [[Image(P04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P04.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S04.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4SJq3y6Qtb0 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P05 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev Developing and Testing Vehicular AI Agent] [[BR]] Aditya Kaushik Jonnavittula^GR^, Eddie Ward^UG^, Romany Ebrhem^UG^, William Ching^UG^, Donald Yubeaton^UG^, Vibodh Singh^UG^, Haejin Song^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P05.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S05.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/cCmKHH1kOos Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P06 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Awareness Smart Intersection Cameras] [[BR]] Heneil Patel^UG^, Peter Wilmot^UG^, Eleonore Pichon^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P06.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S06.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/dzA5r0FpjDw Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P07 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Inference Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences] [[BR]] Haider Abdelrahman^UG^, Yunhyuk Chang^UG^, Lakshya Gour^UG^, Tanushree Mehta^UG^, Shreya Venugopal^GR^ || |||| [[Image(P07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P07.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S07.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/pBGYaTQiBtU Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P08 ] Identifying Correlations between Weather Patterns and NYCMesh Network State [[BR]] Zachary Hine, Dror Jacoby and Shuyue Yu || |||| [[Image(P08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P08.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S08.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/W8_mkLvn11M Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P09 ] 28 GHz mmWave Measurements for Joint Communications and Sensing [[BR]] David Chen^HS^ and Timothy Wang^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P09.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S09.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/3xUYk5rfJzo Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P10 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/SelfDriving Self-Driving Vehicular Project] [[BR]] Adarsh Narayanan^UG^, Brandon Cheng^UG^, Christopher Sawicki^UG^, Joshua Menezes^UG^, Ruben Alias^UG^, Tommy Chu^UG^, Aleicia Zhu^HS^, Ranvith Adulla^HS^, Arya Chhabra^HS^, Suhani Sengupta^HS^ || || [[Image(P10a.jpg, width=300)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P10a.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(P10b.jpg, width=300)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P10b.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S10.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S10.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/riJNm4-e2BI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P11 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Mural AR Mural ] [[BR]] Alexander Clarke^UG^, Arya Shetty^UG^, Nicholas Clarke^UG^, Pavan datta Vedire Reddy^UG^, Ana Obradovic^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P11.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P11.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S11.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S11.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/9D2jTiEhizk Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P12 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Hive Hive Monitoring] [[BR]] Sarah Benedicto^UG^, Tate Sparks^UG^, Evan Kohut^UG^, Shrinidhi Kesavan^UG^, Sonia Malhotra^HS^, Ben Yu^HS^, Andrew Martin^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P12.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P12.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S12.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S12.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/mtAqnOgd0R8 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P13 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Features Neural Networks for Feature Analysis] [[BR]] Mayank Barad^UG^, Daksh Khetarpaul^UG^, Katherine Lew^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P13.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S13.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/S2tv7zFXJNo Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P14 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/First First Person View Self Driving Car] [[BR]] Adam Strub^HS^, Divya Krishna^HS^, Elliot Li^HS^, Mei Mei Castranova^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P14.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S14.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/0U3BaPdtenw Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P15 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Latency Low Latency Camera] [[BR]] Brayden Casaren^UG^, Sebastian Bradley Clarke^UG^, Rohit Karthickeyan^HS^, Ayush Iyer^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P15.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S15.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/VW1AhMosBno Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| Notes * [=#gr] GR - Graduate student * [=#ug] UG - Undergraduate student * [=#hs] HS - High School student