= 2023 Summer Research Program Virtual Open House = In a vibrant display of innovation and collaboration, the 2023 WINLAB Summer Internship Open House unfolded on Thursday August 10th, 2023, becoming a remarkable platform for students to unveil their projects. The Open House not only showed the accomplishments of the interns but also provided them with the experience of presenting their work to a wider audience. [[NewsFlashStart]] {{{ #!html

Presentations and Posters

}}} [#P01 Distributed Data Infrastructure][[BR]] [#P02 Evaluating 5G/6G Wireless][[BR]] [#P03 Security in Artificial Intelligence][[BR]] [#P04 Robotic Iot SmartSpace Testbed][[BR]] [#P05 Developing and Testing Vehicular AI Agents][[BR]] [#P06 Smart Intersection Situational Awareness][[BR]] [#P07 Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences][[BR]] [#P08 Correlations between Weather Patterns and NYCMesh Network State][[BR]] [#P09 mmWave Measurements for Joint Sensing and Communications][[BR]] [#P10 Self-Driving Vehicular Project][[BR]] [#P11 AR Mural][[BR]] [#P12 Hive Monitoring][[BR]] [#P13 Neural Networks for Feature Analysis][[BR]] [#P14 First Person View Self Driving Car][[BR]] [#P15 Low Latency Camera][[BR]] [[NewsFlashEnd]] == Thursday, August 10th, 2023 == ||[[Image(I04.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I01.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I02.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I03.jpg, width=300)]]|| [[BR]] ||||= '''Poster''' =||= '''Project Presentation''' =|| |||||||| [=#P01 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Distributed Distributed Data Infrastructure] [[BR]] Anna Kotelnikov^UG^, Keshav Subramaniyam^UG^, Jason Zhiyuan Zhang^UG^, Gyana Deepika Dasara^GR^, Samyak Agarwal^GR^ || |||| [[Image(P01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P01.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S01.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P02 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/5G6G Evaluating 5G/6G Wireless] [[BR]] Aleksa Samardzija^UG^, Jeff Acevedo^UG^, Nikhil Sampath^UG^, Sreeram Mandava^UG^, Stanislav Ceman^UG^, Sanskar Jagdish Shah^GR^, Ryan Lin^UG^, Steve Shin^UG^, Xoua Thao^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P02.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S02.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/orcctAo1xWI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P03 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/SecurityAI Security in Artificial Intelligence] [[BR]] Damon Lin^UG^, Jacob Morin^UG^, Rut Mehta^UG^, Ethan Lung^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P03.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S03.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4SJq3y6Qtb0 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P04 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/RobotTestbed Robotic Iot SmartSpace Testbed] [[BR]] Katrina Celario^UG^, Matthew Grimalovsky^UG^, Jeremy Hui^UG^, Julia Rodriguez^UG^, Michael Cai^HS^, Laura Liu^HS^, Jose Rubio^HS^, Sonya Yuan Sun^GR^, Hedaya Walter^GR^ || |||| [[Image(P04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P04.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S04.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4SJq3y6Qtb0 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P05 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev Developing and Testing Vehicular AI Agents] [[BR]] Aditya Kaushik Jonnavittula^GR^, Eddie Ward^UG^, Romany Ebrhem^UG^, William Ching^UG^, Donald Yubeaton^UG^, Vibodh Singh^UG^, Haejin Song^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P05.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S05.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/cCmKHH1kOos Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P06 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Awareness Smart Intersection Situational Awareness] [[BR]] Heneil Patel^UG^, Peter Wilmot^UG^, Eleonore Pichon^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P06.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S06.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/dzA5r0FpjDw Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P07 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Inference Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences] [[BR]] Haider Abdelrahman^UG^, Yunhyuk Chang^UG^, Lakshya Gour^UG^, Tanushree Mehta^UG^, Shreya Venugopal^GR^ || |||| [[Image(P07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P07.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S07.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/pBGYaTQiBtU Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P08 ] Identifying Correlations between Weather Patterns and NYCMesh Network State [[BR]] Zachary Hine, Dror Jacoby and Shuyue Yu || |||| [[Image(P08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P08.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S08.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/W8_mkLvn11M Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P09 ] mmWave Measurements for Joint Sensing and Communications [[BR]] David Chen^HS^ and Timothy Wang^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P09.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S09.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/3xUYk5rfJzo Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P10 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/SelfDriving Self-Driving Vehicular Project] [[BR]] Adarsh Narayanan^UG^, Brandon Cheng^UG^, Christopher Sawicki^UG^, Joshua Menezes^UG^, Ruben Alias^UG^, Tommy Chu^UG^, Aleicia Zhu^HS^, Ranvith Adulla^HS^, Arya Chhabra^HS^, Suhani Sengupta^HS^ || || [[Image(P10a.jpg, width=300)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P10a.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(P10b.jpg, width=300)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P10b.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S10.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S10.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/riJNm4-e2BI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P11 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Mural AR Mural ] [[BR]] Alexander Clarke^UG^, Arya Shetty^UG^, Nicholas Clarke^UG^, Pavan datta Vedire Reddy^UG^, Ana Obradovic^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P11.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P11.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S11.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S11.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/9D2jTiEhizk Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P12 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Hive Hive Monitoring] [[BR]] Sarah Benedicto^UG^, Tate Sparks^UG^, Evan Kohut^UG^, Shrinidhi Kesavan^UG^, Sonia Malhotra^HS^, Ben Yu^HS^, Andrew Martin^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P12.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P12.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S12.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S12.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/mtAqnOgd0R8 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P13 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Features Neural Networks for Feature Analysis] [[BR]] Mayank Barad^UG^, Daksh Khetarpaul^UG^, Katherine Lew^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P13.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S13.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/S2tv7zFXJNo Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P14 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/First First Person View Self Driving Car] [[BR]] Adam Strub^HS^, Divya Krishna^HS^, Elliot Li^HS^, Mei Mei Castranova^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P14.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S14.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/0U3BaPdtenw Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| |||||||| [=#P15 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2023/Latency Low Latency Camera] [[BR]] Brayden Casaren^UG^, Sebastian Bradley Clarke^UG^, Rohit Karthickeyan^HS^, Ayush Iyer^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P15.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S15.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/VW1AhMosBno Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| Notes * [=#gr] GR - Graduate student * [=#ug] UG - Undergraduate student * [=#hs] HS - High School student