== Resilient Edge-Cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely inferences **Project Advisor and Mentors:** Professor Anand Sarwate, Professor Waheed Bajwa, Nitya Sathyavageeswaran, Vishakha Ramani, Yu Wu, Aliasghar Mohammadsalehi, Muhammad Zulqarnain **Names:** Shreya Venugopaal, Haider Abdelrahman, Tanushree Mehta, Lakshya Gour, Yunhyuk Chang **Objective:** The purpose of this project is to use ORBIT in order to Main objectives - learn how to design and run experiments on ORBIT - prototype a handoff scheme for ML prediction - develop a latency profiling framework for MEC-assisted machine learning – Split the network, early exit, simulate multiple CPU speeds, network delays **Progress ** *Week 1 Goals - Team introductions - Kickoff meetings - Refining and understanding research questions - go over goals for the summer For next week: - Go through WINLAB orientation (TBD) - Reading for next time: - PPA Chapters 1 and 2 - Coding: - install python (via Anaconda or something else) - go through the interactive intro to python online or by downloading the notebook - Review the basics of Python linked from the UT Austin site to learn basic syntax, flow control, etc. *Week 2: Goals: Summary: - Basics of pattern recognition and Machine Learning (PPA - Patterns, Predictions, Actions) - set up an instance using pytorch on an Orbit node - Created a node image with Pytorch - Basics of Pytorch - Created small Machine Learning models - Loaded the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database onto the node computed the second moment matrix - Did PCA and SVM on MNIST Next Steps: - Create and train a “small” and “large” Neural Network - Attempt to simulate the difference between their performances at inference Links: Week 3: Goals: Summary: - Created and Trained a ‘Small’ and ’Large’ Neural Networks - Compared their performances on the CIFAR10 dataset - Established connection between two nodes - Communicated test data between nodes to compare accuracy and delay between our NN models - Need to serialize by bytes instead of transferring as strings - Had a discussion on various research papers related to our project Next Steps: - Send the data as bytes instead of strings - Calculate the times for transfer & processing - Read more papers related to stuff about early exit and edge cloud computing - Divide data into “chunks” for faster and more efficient transmission - Design experiments to test different architectures and implementations of Early Exiting and Split Computing - Track and add Age of Information Metrics Presentation links: - Link - Lakshya - Link - Shreya - Link - Haider - Link - James - Link - Tanushree Week 4: Goals Summary Next Steps