Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Other/Summer/2023/Awareness

Jun 27, 2023, 3:58:13 PM (13 months ago)

Added Rviz example


  • Other/Summer/2023/Awareness

    v3 v4  
    2929* We then opened Rviz (Ros Vizualization) to view the Pointclouds.
    3030* We used the ros static transform publisher to translate and rotate the pointclouds in relation to each camera's depth_optical_frame.
    31 * This was inconsistent and still showed error even at its best. We decided that our transformation/visualization methods might be the issue, so we stopped using Ros for now.
     31* This was inconsistent and still showed error even at its best. We decided that our transformation/visualization methods might be the issue, so we stopped using Ros for now. [[Image(cam1-2 better.png)]]
    3232* Using opencv and matplotlib, we displayed the detected 3D points from two of the cameras, and translated the points from one of the cameras according to our Kabsch results. It is clear that our algorithm is working correctly, and this works for every pairing of cameras. [[Image(Calibration.png)]]
    3333* Without ros we needed to find a way to stream the cameras to one node, and the ethersense package seemed promising. It uses python sockets to transfer live camera streams over ethernet. It required some reformatting and minor changes but the camera views are now streaming, we just need to figure out how to view/manipulate these streams on the host node.