Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

Jul 1, 2023, 12:31:21 AM (13 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

    v4 v5  
    3333<li>Read CARLA (Car Learning to Act) Documentation</li>
    34 <li>Learn about how we can use Carla to simulate real-world traffic scenarios</li>
     34<li>Learn about how we can set up Carla to simulate real-world traffic scenarios</li>
    3535<li>Become familiar using Orbit Lab machines</li>
    4848<h4 style="color: #c03;">Week 2</h4>
    50 <p>Place Holder</p>
     51<li>Learn about CARLA simulator</li>
     52<li>Set up CARLA simulator on nodes / machines of Orbit Lab</li>
     53<li>Learn about sensors in CARLA simulator</li>
    52 <p>Place Holder</p>
     56<p>During the second week, we started to refine the scope of the research project. We have also attended daily workshops to learn about various technologies, such as Linux, Python, ROS, etc. These workshop were highly relevant to our research project, especially when learning about the Python API that we will be using to interact with the Carla simulation. Because of the <em>Introduction to Linux</em> workshops, we have learned about the Orbit Lab and explored the use cases. We hope to be able to leverage the computing power on the nodes to run the CARLA simulator and train and/or finetune models.</p>
     57<p>We have attempted to set up CARLA simulator on our own personal laptops. Setting up CARLA simulator on our own machines did not come without challenges. Not all of our machines had the capabilities or compute power to run the CARLA simulator. The dependencies to run CARLA simulator is strict with versioning and not all of us had the correct versions for the dependencies (e.g. There is currently no support for Python 3.10 or later). After a team huddle, we were able to access the main computer at WINLAB with a simulated driving setup / rig and ran CARLA simulator. Upon running the CARLA Simulator, we explored the many sensors in CARLA. We have experimented with data collection and data visualization.</p>
     58<p>Once we became familar with the CARLA architecture, we began to brainstorm our data collection process. We planned to use PostgreSQL as our database for storing sensor data, along with a REST API.</p>
     60<img width="400" height="400" src="" />
     61<img width="400" height="400" src="" />
     62<br />
     63<p>The first image is from CARLA main website (Source: <a href="">CARLA Page</a>). The second image shows the rig / setup of the main computer for running CARLA simulator (Source: <a href="">[Poster Abstract: Multi-sensor Fusion for In-cabin Vehicular Sensing Applications]</a>).</p>
    5365<h4>Next Steps</h4>
    54 <p>Place Holder</p>
     67<li>Create Database and Schemas / models for data we plan to collect</li>
     68<li>Create REST API</li>
    56 <a>[Week 2 Slides Here]</a>
     72<li><a>[Week 2 Slides Here]</a></li>
     73<li><a href="">[CARLA Main Page]</a></li>
     74<li><a href="">[An in Depth Look to CARLA's Sensors]</a></li>