
Version 20 (modified by JohnGC, 2 years ago) ( diff )

Remote Control Robot Car

    Remote Control Robot Car

    WINLAB Summer Internship 2022

    Group Members: Jimmy Huang, John Greaney-Cheng

    Project Website

    Remote Control Robot Car Website

    Project Objective

    Remote control of a robotics platform using video streams. The project will require students to work with video streaming toolkits and develop software to allow for low-latency control of the remote platform from either a first- or third-person view. Students will begin by setting up ROS on a robotics platform at Winlab so that they have a system to work on, with the ultimate goal of testing the remote control system on the hardware developed by the smart car team at the end of the summer.

    Students will need to write a ROS node to run on the vehicle platform which will receive remote control commands and translate them into control signals for the platform hardware. Students will also need to work with software such as gstreamer for low-latency streaming of the video feed from the car.

    Week 1 Update

    Week 1 Presentation

    • Learned how to navigate Linux Command Line and Orbit Management Framework
    • Installed ROS Melodic on sandbox node and began working through ROS tutorials
    • Met with other groups within the Car Intersection group (Mini Smart Car Hardware Design, Autonomous System Infrastructure, Multi-Cam Fusion for Smart Intersection)

    Week 2 Update

    Week 2 Presentation

    Week 3 Update

    Week 3 Presentation

    Week 4 Update

    Week 4 Presentation

    • Built our own client to control robot (Backed it up on Gitlab)
    • Wrote Open Loop control program to have Pioneer 3-DX move in square repeatedly to test precision of robot
    • Recorded data on a bag file, transferred it to a csv file and graphed it

    Week 5 Update

    Week 5 Presentation

    Week 6 Update

    Week 6 Presentation

    Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.