
Version 2 (modified by Surya Satyavolu, 19 years ago) ( diff )

Using Aruba sniffers


The ORBIT grid has four Aruba sniffers at the four corners that can be configured to sniff specific channels and report every sniffed packet to the database. This gives the experimenters an independent framework to correlate 802.11 traffic during the course of the experiment for sanity checking as well as verifying the expected outcome of the experiment.


The sniffers have been assigned the following IP addresses

Sniffer IP Position
aruba1-1 Near node1-20
aruba1-4 Near node1-4
aruba4-1 Near node20-20
aruba4-4 Near node20-1


Sniffers are already up and running. Currently they work only on b/g channels. Sniffers can be set to listen to a specific channel by using the following command from internal4 or idb1

#> echo "Channel: 11" >> /proc/net/wifi0/Config

Backend data collection

In order to start collecting frames in the database, you need to be on

  • Download the following file to your local directory and call it config.xml
      <project id="monitor">
          <db id="monitor" host="" user="orbit" password="orbit"/>
          <multicast-channel addr="" port="7000" iface="eth1"/>
  • Launch the following application from local directory
     monitor -c config.xml -n internal4 -i eth2

The sniffed packets are reported to the database named monitor under the table frames

Capture Schema

Field Type
id mediumint(9)
monitor_id varchar(32)
channel int(11)
flag int(11)
rate int(11)
snr int(11)
type int(11)
sub_type int(11)
duration varchar(32)
dst_addr varchar(32)
src_addr varchar(32)
receiver_addr varchar(32)
frag_num int(11)
seq_num int(32)
timestamp varchar(32)
frame_description varchar(32)
beacon_timestamp varchar(32)
ssid varchar(32)

For Developers

For developers interested in playing around with the code, go here

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