== Demo 3: Virtualization Demo == [[Image(Internal/VirtualPL/DemoPlan:d3.JPG)]][[BR]] = Motivation = * Enable multiple users to run experiments simultaneously * SDMA + FDMA + virtual console support = Plan = * Show scheduler (open hours), logging into vconsoles and running experiments * Four experiments are deployed on each vconsole * Two experiments must be identical(simple Sender-Receiver exp.) * Show that similar expts yield similar results (indicating no interference) * Other two experiments are star-based topologies to signify the increased capabilities in handling multiple ''different'' experiments = Status = (Updated : Sachin Jan 22 07) * Tried to use vconsole2. Idea was to imageNodes Problems * Roadblock : CMC service that does not recognize requests coming in from a vconsole domain and ignores request to power nodes on * Ivan, Joe to fix this- Until then other vconsoles also need to be checked