
Version 4 (modified by jsingh, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Orbit Uses Trac and Svn in the background for the content of the web server.
Scheduling is done through the internal3 machine, as such we proxy all the requests on to internal3 for scheduling
approval and modifications.
We are running trac 0.11.7 version, web server is apache2
List of Modules needed to enable orbit Servers

 a2enmod ssl ldap ldap_userdir auth_basic authz_user authnz_ldap dav 
 dav_fs proxy proxy_balancer proxy_http 

The Trac is location /common/Trac/projectname and the corresponding subversion info is located in
/common/SVN/projectname. Currently the new ext1 machine will be hosting orbit, rfkit and wimax projects.

The data was brought over from external1 machine and in order to make it sync, the trac data had to be
reindexed and syched using the trac-admin utility.
Trac was installed using easy_install , with the apt-get install we experienced difficulties in porting data over.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.