
Version 5 (modified by jsingh, 14 years ago) ( diff )

ORBIT Services

The services and software running on each of the two servers is listed below. Configuration of individual services is explained in detail as well

Service name Hosting Machine
DHCP dhcp1,dhcp2
DNS dhcp1, dhcp2
LDAP dhcp1, dhcp2
NTP dhcp1
TFTP repository1
PXE repository1
Frisbee repository1
NFS repository3
Apt repository3
Mysql internal1
OML collection server idb1
Apache external3,external1
CMC internal1
Aggmgr repository1
Ejabbberd Internal1
Node Status Internal3
OpenFlow OFC1, OFC2, Internal2
Email External1 , External3


Purpose: This software runs a DHCP server that assigns IP addresses to clients on demand


Purpose:” hosts the primary DNS service for the zone The DNS server is the standard BIND9 software packaged with Linux

Apache Web Server

Purpose: Apache server is required for maintaining the ORBIT local repository for debian packages and also to view the results of the experiment


Purpose: This serves as the debian package repository for local ORBIT packages (such as OML, OTG, Libmac, nodeAgent etc). It uses apache services to fetch and distribute debian packages. For this service, it is sufficient to install just the ORBIT packages. There is no need to mirror the entire debian repository which can be easily accessed by syncing with the external debian repository.



All the machines synchronize their time using the time server as the reference.

TFTP Server

Purpose: TFTP is needed to install PXE images whenever you need to install an image onto the node (using Frisbee). It is also used to load a memory based image that can be used to fetch the current image of the node into the repository

NFS Service

Purpose: This service is used to remotely mount directories on the nodes while fetching their image using imagezip utility. Also, Frisbee service makes use of this directory to install images onto nodes.

Mysql Server

Purpose: This service is used to store the results of the experiments conducted on ORBIT

OML Server (Collection Server)


This service is used to collect the measurements of the experiments at runtime from the nodes and store them into the mysql database.


apt-get install oml-collection-server — outdated

We now use oml2 packages for collecting Data on OML Server Configuration:

This service is configured by the corresponding gridservice.



This service is for fetching and installing images from and to the nodes and used the Frisbee utility from University of Utah to distribute the image in the form of chunks using multicast.

Node Handler (runs on console machine for the grid and all the sandboxes)

Purpose: NodeHandler is used to run the experiments from the console using reliable multicast to disseminate commands to the nodes. It also initializes measurement collection appropriately. It primarily uses ruby scripts to do the same.


OMF now uses the xmpp protocol to communicate between console and nodes. Currently we are using 2 different softwares Openfire for
omf-5.2 and Ejabber for omf-5.3

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