Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Internal/OpenFlow/TunnelNotes

Jul 6, 2010, 8:41:10 PM (14 years ago)


  • Internal/OpenFlow/TunnelNotes

    v3 v4  
    4141    where it needed to be.
    4242 1. Packets Only flow in one directon - '''SOLVED 6/2/2010'''
     43 1. We were seeing flows that persisted even after the controller died. There was however a good explanation for this. There are two types of time outs,
     44    A hard time out that ends a flow after some fixed time regardless of activity, and a soft time out (expiration) that ends the flow if it has been
     45    idle for too long.  In it default behavior Nox/Snac, No hard time out is set. So if enough packets arrive the flow will stay alive forever, even
     46    in the absence of a controller. We should probably set the hard timeout to some known number.
     47    does not set a hard timeout. If enough packets arrive the flow will never time out.
     48 1. Not so much an issue as an FYI - When using tcpdump on the netfpga, we don't see all the traffic that is passing through. Tcpdump is basically
     49    only useful for catching OpenFlow messages as they come through the control port. Trying to read the traffic on one of the NF2CX ports will probably
     50    Not show what you're looking for. The Quote from Tatsuya (standford)
     51    {{{
     52       Tcpdump only captures software forwarding packets(i.e. packet-ins and packet-outs). So most of the packets handled by hardware are not shown.
     53    }}}