Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Internal/OpenFlow/CLISetup

Jan 5, 2010, 7:22:05 PM (15 years ago)


  • Internal/OpenFlow/CLISetup

    v19 v20  
    273273== Elucidation (Or, Frequently asked questions) ==
    275 As of now, this is just a how-to/list of facts on how to configure the IP8800.
     275As of now, this is just a conglomeration of facts and hints on how to configure the IP8800. Before we begin, here are the assumptions that are made throughout these pages:
     277 * You are running Linux (We are, for the most part, using Ubuntu unless specified)
     278 * You are using the NEC IP8800/S3640-48T2XW switch.   
    277280=== Logging in for the first time. ===
    278 Assuming you have a brand new IP8800 on your hands:
    280 Telnet is not configured by default, so you need to log in via the console port.
     282Out of the box, the switches are not configured for Telnet. In this case, you need to make configuration changes by logging into the switch via the console port, which uses a standard RS-232 cable. You'll also need to have software installed on your PC to be able to establish a serial connection. Kermit is the recommended choice - it's default settings allow you to connect without changing anything. If not already installed on your box, the Debian package for kermit is ckermit.   
    2822841. Name your switch. People names are easier to remember than IP addresses or machine-like names i.e. as01-hh-alex, and are easier to use in discussion if everyone agrees on names. Note, the names Bob, Nancy, and Andy are already taken.
    284 2. Acquire a RS-232 cable -  Hook up the cable to the port labeled 'console' on the switch, the other end to your PC. 
    286 3. If not already installed, install kermit on your PC. Kermit is recommended because its default settings can be used to connect to the switch.
    288 4. Connect via serial using the following commands at the console (Make sure you are root):
    289  {{{
    290   /$ kermit
    291   C-Kermit>set line /dev/ttyS0
    292   C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off
    293   C-Kermit>connect
    294  }}}
     2862. Connect via serial using the following commands at the console (Make sure you are root):
     288 /$ kermit
     289 C-Kermit>set line /dev/ttyS0
     290 C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off
     291 C-Kermit>connect
    296294Or, you can use the shorthand for the above: