Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Internal/Documentation/OpenFlow/switchReset

Nov 26, 2012, 8:42:08 PM (12 years ago)


  • Internal/Documentation/OpenFlow/switchReset

    v1 v1  
     1= Factory resetting switches =
     2This page describes how to factory reset various switches.
     4== References ==
     5 * [ Using kermit] (UNIX serial communications tool)
     6 * [ U-Boot primer] 
     7== Switchlist ==
     8The following is a list of switches described here.
     11 * [#g7224 GSM7224]
     12 * [#g7248 GSM7248]
     14=== GSM7224 === #g7224
     15'''Default user/password:''' admin/blank [[BR]]
     16'''Serial settings:''' carrier-watch off, 9600 baud, 8 data, 1 stop, parity none
     18 Start the switch up, with the serial line connected. Select 2 when prompted for the boot option:
     19 {{{
     20Verifying Operational Code CRC in Flash...100%
     21Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then
     22operational code will start.
     241 - Start operational code.
     252 - Start Boot Menu.
     26Select (1, 2): 2
     27 }}} 
     29 You will be presented with a boot menu. Choose "Restore Configuration to factory defaults", selection 8 in the case shown:
     30 {{{
     31Boot Menu
     32Options available
     33 1 - Start operational code
     34 2 - Change baud rate
     35 3 - Retrieve event log using XMODEM (64KB)
     36 4 - Load new operational code using XMODEM
     37 5 - Run Flash Diagnostics
     38 6 - Update Boot Code
     39 7 - Reset the system
     40 8 - Restore Configuration to factory defaults (delete config files) and reset
     41 9 - Display operational code vital product data
     42[Boot Menu] 8
     43 }}}
     45 Upon entering 8, the switch will reset and boot up.
     47[Boot Menu] 8
     50NetGear GSM7224 Boot code....
     52Flash = 8MB
     53SDRAM = 64MB
     55Verifying Operational Code CRC in Flash...100%
     56Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then
     57operational code will start.
     591 - Start operational code.
     602 - Start Boot Menu.
     61Select (1, 2):
     64Operational Code Date: Fri Jun  9 12:35:52 2006
     67                       50%                     100%
     69Attaching interface lo0...done
     71Adding 23132 symbols for standalone.
     73(Unit 1)>
     78=== GSM7248 === #g7248
     79'''Default user/password:''' admin/blank [[BR]]
     80'''Serial settings:''' carrier-watch off, 9600 baud, 8 data, 1 stop, parity none
     82 Load the U-Boot prompt. This can be done by hitting any key right after the appearance of the U-Boot banner:
     83 {{{
     84U-Boot 1.1.2 (Feb 25 2006 - 21:16:55)
     86Board: Netgear GSM7248
     87DRAM:  64 MB
     88FLASH:  8.5 MB
     89Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
     90 }}}
     91 The variables for the switch should look like something below:
     92 {{{
     93=> printenv
     94flashargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram console=ttyS0,9600 mem=62M mac0=$(fp_card_base_mac) serialnum=$(fp_sn) quiet
     96bootcmd=run flashargs; bootm ff000000
     101fp_model=Netgear GSM7248
     105fp_desc=Netgear GSM7248
     107fp_who=LVL7 Support
     108fp_type=Netgear GSM7248stdin=serial
     115Environment size: 496/65532 byte
     116 }}}
     118 The `flashargs` variable for `bootcmd` load the firmware with the current settings, including the password. You want to start the firmware without these settings so you can get to the boot menu. To do this, run the `bootm` command directly:
     119 {{{
     120=> bootm ff000000
     121 }}}
     123 This loads just the firmware of the switch. Let the startup process run its course. Choose 2 when prompted for the startup mode:
     124 {{{
     125Select startup mode.  If no selection is made within 3 seconds,
     126the GSM7248 Application will start automatically...
     1281 - Start GSM7248 Application
     1292 - Display Utility Menu
     130Select (1, 2): 2
     131 }}}
     133 This will present you with the familiar boot menu:
     134 {{{
     135GSM7248 Startup Rev: 3.3
     137GSM7248 Startup -- Utility Menu
     139 1  - Start GSM7248 Application
     140 2  - Load Code Update Package using XMODEM/YMODEM/ZMODEM
     141 3  - Display Vital Product Data
     142 4  - Select Serial Speed
     143 5  - Retrieve Error Log using XMODEM/YMODEM/ZMODEM
     144 6  - Erase Current Configuration
     145 7  - Erase Permanent Storage
     147 Q  - Quit from GSM7248 Startup
     149Select option (1-8 or Q):
     150 }}}
     151 Enter 6 to reset the configs. Now, power cycle the switch. The switch should be in default mode when it comes up again:
     152 {{{
     153GSM7248 starting...started!
     155(Unit 1)>
     159(GSM7248) >
     160 }}}