
Version 1 (modified by seskar, 15 years ago) ( diff )

GNU Radio

GNU Radio is a free software development toolkit that provides runtime signal processing blocks to implement software radios using commodity PC platform. GNU Radio applications are primarily written using the Python programming language, while the supplied, performance-critical signal processing blocks are implemented in C++.


There are 9 USRPs in the main grid and 2 USRPs in sandbox5 that are attached to the Orbit node.

Node Coordinate Side A Side B
[1,2] FLEX-400 FLEX-2400
[1,19] FLEX-400 FLEX-2400
[20,19] FLEX-400 FLEX-2400
[10,11] FLEX-400 FLEX-2400
[20,2] FLEX-400 RFX-2400
[15,5] FLEX-900 RFX-2400
[15,15] XCVR-2450 RFX-2400
[5,15] FLEX-900 FLEX-2400
[5,5] XCVR-2450 RFX-2400
Sandbox 5
[1,1] Basic TX/RX .
[1,2] Basic TX/RX .


USRP2 is a successor of USRP developed by Ettus Research. USRP2 is in its beta release currently and is supported only on Linux.

Node Coordinate (location) RF Daughter Boards
[18,3] XCVR-2450
[3,18] XCVR-2450
Sandbox 3
[1,1] XCVR-2450
[1,2] XCVR-2450
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