Tutorials/k0SDR/Tutorial05: wiserd.rb

File wiserd.rb, 4.1 KB (added by stojadin, 9 years ago)
1defApplication('test:app:wiserd', 'wiserd') do |a|
3 a.path = "/usr/bin/wiserd"
4 a.version(1, 0, 0)
5 a.shortDescription = "WiSER Daemon"
6 a.description = "Spectrum sensing daemon"
8 # Define the properties that can be configured for this application
9 #
10 # syntax: defProperty(name = :mandatory, description = nil, parameter = nil, options = {})
11 #
12 a.defProperty('--uhd_rx_antenna', 'Receiver antenna (''RX2'', ''TX/RX'')', '--uhd_rx_antenna', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
13 a.defProperty('--uhd_rx_freq', 'Receiver frequency', '--uhd_rx_freq', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
14 a.defProperty('--uhd_rx_rate', 'Receiver sampling rate', '--uhd_rx_rate', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
15 a.defProperty('--uhd_rx_gain', 'Receiver gain in dB', '--uhd_rx_gain', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
16 a.defProperty('--uhd_rx_bandwidth', 'Receiver bandwidth', '--uhd_rx_bandwidth', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
17 a.defProperty('--uhd_tx_antenna', 'Transmitter antenna (''TX/RX'')', '--uhd_tx_antenna', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
18 a.defProperty('--uhd_tx_freq', 'Transmitter frequency', '--uhd_tx_freq', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
19 a.defProperty('--uhd_tx_rate', 'Transmitter sampling rate', '--uhd_tx_rate', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
20 a.defProperty('--uhd_tx_gain', 'Transmitter gain in dB', '--uhd_tx_gain', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
21 a.defProperty('--uhd_tx_bandwidth', 'Transmitter bandwidth', '--uhd_tx_bandwidth', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
22 a.defProperty('--recv_numbins', 'Number of FFT bins', '--recv_numbins', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
23 a.defProperty('--recv_avgwinlen', 'Average window length', '--recv_avgwinlen', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
24 a.defProperty('--recv_oml_filename', 'Output filename for OML', '--recv_oml_filename', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
25 a.defProperty('--recv_oml_servername', 'OML server name (''idb2:3003'', ''file'')', '--recv_oml_servername', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
26 a.defProperty('--recv_oml_output_type', 'Output data type for OML (''blob'', ''vector'', ''scalars'')', '--recv_oml_output_type', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
27 a.defProperty('--recv_udp_port', 'UDP port the scanning results will be streamed to', '--recv_udp_port', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
28 a.defProperty('--recv_udp_uri', 'UDP uri the scanning results will be streamed to', '--recv_udp_uri', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
29 a.defProperty('--recv_min_power', 'Minimal considered power in dBm for power scanning modules', '--recv_min_power', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
30 a.defProperty('--recv_max_power', 'Maximal considered power in dBm for power scanning modules', '--recv_max_power', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
31 a.defProperty('--recv_output_filename', 'Filename for local storing of scanning results (do not add the extension)', '--recv_output_filename', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
32 a.defProperty('--recv_running_time', 'Running time for timed modules, in milliseconds', '--recv_running_time', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
33 a.defProperty('--tran_wavetype', 'Type of the transmitted waveform (''SINE'', ''CONST'', ''RAMP'', ''SQUARE'')', '--tran_wavetype', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
34 a.defProperty('--tran_wavefreq', 'Frequency of the transmitted waveform', '--tran_wavefreq', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
35 a.defProperty('--tran_amplitude', 'Amplitude of the transmitted waveform (max 0.7)', '--tran_amplitude', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
36 a.defProperty('--tran_wavefilename', 'Name of the file that contains the waveform', '--tran_wavefilename', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
37 a.defProperty('--tran_running time', 'Running time for timed modules, in milliseconds', '--tran_running_time', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
38 a.defProperty('--addmodule', 'Add a module', '--addmodule', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
39 a.defProperty('--delmodule', 'Delete a module', '--delmodule', {:type => :string, :dynamic => true})
41 # Define the Measurement Points and associated metrics that are available for this application
42 #